TouringMichigan.com focuses on a variety of fun travel destinations, events, and interesting spots. Michigan lovers are invited to share their photos and experiences around the Great Lakes State. An earlier version of the Pictured Rocks hiking article above can be found there.
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Thanks for your lovely pictures and commentary. I'm considering a trip along Lake Superior; I'd lived in Michigan a number of years and am eager to get back and see my favorite shoreline. Do you have some favorite campgrounds or cottages to recommend?
Thanks for reading! The Pictured Rocks area is my favorite stretch of Lake Superior, so if you are interested in that area I recommend either 12 Mile Beach, Hurricane River, or Little Beaver Lake Campgrounds. All 3 are rustic (outhouses & running water available) and are a bit off the beaten path. 12 Mile Beach and Hurricane River are on L. Sup., and Little Beaver Lake is inland. Porcupine Mts. Wilderness State Park also has a good campground on L. Sup. if you are going to be in the western part. As far as cottages go, I'm not very familiar because I'm mostly a tent camper. A great resource for all kinds of UP travel is Hunts' Guide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. They have a book available (I never go to the UP without it!) and a website:
You can find lots of good advice on places to stay, where to eat, and all kinds of fun oddities. Have fun!
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